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Kaiser Permanente hands out $1.3 million in HIV-AIDS grants

Kaiser Permanente is providing more than $1.3 million in grants to promote HIV-AIDS awareness, prevention, screening, support and treatment statewide -- including $100,000 to four nonprofit agencies in the East Bay -- local officials said Friday.
The announcement was timed to coincide with an international focus on the issue Dec. 1, World AIDS Day. Local grants of $25,000 each will go to:
Allen Temple Baptist Church's AIDS Ministry program in Oakland, which provides prevention education to teens and others.
California Prevention and Education Project, an Oakland-based program, providing HIV testing and screening to the city's high-risk African-American population.
The East Bay Community Law Center in Berkeley for its HIV-AIDS Immigration Law Project, counseling people with HIV-AIDS who encounter legal problems.
Planned Parenthood Shasta-Diablo for a program that provides food and acupuncture to people with HIV-AIDS in Richmond.
"While HIV-AIDS is present throughout all the communities Kaiser Permanente serves, the disease looks different from one community to the next and affects people in very different ways," Michael Allerton, HIV operations and policy leader for Kaiser's Northern California region, said in a prepared statement. "These grants ensure we help target underserved populations with an emphasis on culturally competent care."
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