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GPEC, cities hope to woo businesses with expedited permit process

The Greater Phoenix Economic Council is hoping to make it easier for companies looking to move or expand here with an accelerated permitting process.
GPEC and its member communities say the program is necessary to compete in a global economy where businesses need to move quickly. GPEC's Community Building Consortium is leading the effort designed to get qualified companies through the municipal process in 90 days or less.
"Most companies seeking to relocate or expand need to be operational within 12 to 18 months," said Barry Broome, GPEC president and chief executive. "Expediting the permitting process enables us to better compete with other markets vying for the same quality projects."
To qualify for 90-day or less permitting, projects must meet high-wage and community criteria, involve project professionals on a development team, participate in pre-phase meetings, develop competitive timelines, submit fully developed plans and maintain a pre-determined schedule.
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